Gelenk Behandlung Orthopaede Wien

Orthopedic Therapies

conservative, non-surgical

Most orthopedic complaints can be treated with conservative therapies directly in my ordination without requiring surgical intervention.

  • Pain management
  • Osteoarthritis therapy (physical and medicinal)
  • Infiltration therapy
  • Hyaluronic acid therapy as a cartilage treatment and joint lubricant
  • Autologous blood therapy (PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma)
  • Shock wave therapy (focused and radial)
  • Therapy instructions for joint protection and poor posture
  • Treatment of sports injuries and overuse syndromes
  • Insoles and orthopedic shoe supplies
  • Corsetry, bandages and orthotics
  • X-ray targeted infiltration (in Orthopedic Hospital Vienna Speising)
  • Gait analysis, running analysis and bike analysis (in the Orthopedic Hospital Vienna Speising)

What complaints do you have?

After a detailed diagnosis, I will work with you to plan your therapy.
Make an appointment in my ordination right away:

 T: 01 587 21 31 or online